A quick guide to great client experience this holiday

A quick guide to great client experience this holiday
Photo by Sai Kiran Anagani / Unsplash

Clients stick around when they have a great experience.

There is a lot of talk about client experience and how important it is for every business, including financial advice practices. But you might wonder how to deliver on what you know is essential.

Here are 5 simple ways to give your clients the gift of an outstanding client experience.

Let your clients know when you are away.

It might seem trivial, especially if you only speak to your clients once or twice a year, but it has a significant impact. The worst thing that can happen is if your client thinks you’re available, but they can’t reach you.

It not only creates a lousy client experience but also damages your trust relationship with your clients. They will feel like you don’t have their best interest at heart and that you might not be there for them in the future when they need you.

Send a personal email for the Holidays and the New Year.

People like to know that they are being thought of. Your clients are people. So send them an email letting them know you are thinking of them.

Now we know you might have over 100 clients to get in touch with, and it’s best if you don’t come across as templated and like a robot.

Here are 3 things you can do to deliver high-quality personal emails.

  1. Write your automated emails as if you are sending them to an individual instead of a group.
  2. Create a set of personalized emails depending on how each client segment might be celebrating the holidays.
  3. Schedule the emails using a CRM platform to go out on the day most appropriate for the email

Get your clients thinking about their financial goals for next year.

The New Year is around the corner, and there is one thing that people love about the New Year. That’s right, resolutions.

Before we digress into the fact that most people don’t stick to their resolutions, you shouldn’t forget about those who do.

This time is helpful to remind your clients to spend some time thinking about their financial goals for the following year.

To make this highly impactful, create a short survey-like structure to help them think through the process. For example, you can use a free tool like Google Forms, where your clients can reflect and share their goals with you.

You can then remind them of their goals in the first meeting you have with them in the New Year, and it’s an excellent point for conversation.

Remind your clients to behave responsibly with their finances.

We know that when it comes to money, the holidays are challenging to say the least. But, unfortunately, it’s easy to get into that holiday mood and spend carefree, rack up debt, and forget about tomorrow.

That’s why people call it Janu-worry. They’ve spent too much money.

We’ve prepared a cheat sheet that you can download for free that you can pass along to your clients to help them remember not to risk their financial future this holiday.

Drop your email below and we'll email you a FREE sheet below 👇 Your clients will thank you.

Share something personal to keep that human connection.

Some of you might look at this with a tinge of discomfort. But realize that your relationships with your clients are personal. They share with you the details about their lives, their goals, ambitions, and dreams.

You can also share some details with them.

We’re not suggesting you tell them your life story, but be human.

For instance, when you let them know that you’re away this holiday and won’t be available, let them know what you’ll be up to and paint a picture for them that allows them to understand that you’re not just a machine they can call on whenever they need to, but that you have a life.

BONUS: Remind your clients of their access to Wealthbit

If you’re using Wealthbit, you can give your clients the best gift of all. The ability to make better financial decisions without you having to lift a finger.

You can remind your clients of their access to Wealthbit, invite them if you haven’t already, and remind them to try out any significant financial decisions they want to make in scenario planning.

It gives them the option of considering their decisions while keeping the bigger picture in mind, and you can rest easy knowing your clients will make better decisions about their future.